
Sexual and Gender-Based Misconduct
Resources and Information

如果有直接的健康或安全风险,请联系校园安全518-580-5566 或者当地警察打911


Accessing 支持 Resources & 住宿

答:是的,个人可以在不提交申请的情况下寻求支持措施 正式投诉. However, if information reported requires the College to investigate 此事的安全和保护我们的社区按照联邦 and state laws, then the College will do so. Once again, no one will be forced to participate in the process.

答:没有. Employees and students who have an anonymous reporting obligation, such as 受害者倡导者和同伴健康教育者(phe)将以匿名的方式继续他们的工作 资源. Anonymous 资源 are required to relay only non-identifying information to the 第九条 coordinator (e.g., date, time, location) when they receive a report 的SGBM.


答:如果报告的事件代表紧急情况或对健康/安全的直接风险, 校园安全或当地警方将立即采取措施保护社区和 任何有关方面.

如果报告的事件不构成直接威胁或在此之后 采取措施解决紧急情况,第九条协调员或指定人员将 联系投诉人,安排一个时间来审查他们的选择、权利和 资源.

答:当与第九条协调员会面,审查你的选择,权利,和 资源,你会被告知你有权利为学院提出要求 不去调查.

如果你提出这样的要求,学院将决定它是否可以授予这样的 或学院是否需要根据所提供的信息进行调查 in accordance with College policy and federal and state laws. 欲了解更多信息,请 please reference either the 第九条 政策 or 够了够了 政策.

答:学生可以拨打518-580-5555联系咨询中心或受害者倡导者 at 518-580-5684 to speak with someone confidentially. Employees can contact EAP at 518-793-9768. For someone off-campus, you can contact Wellspring at 518-584-8188. 欲了解更多信息,请 please see the 关键资源页面.
A:是的,第三方可以报告发生在其他火博体育学生身上的事件, faculty, staff, or community members. However, only the complainant or the 第九条 coordinator can initiate 正式投诉.
A: 学生 can by using the Anonymous Reporting Form. This option is not yet formally available to employees.
答:根据新规定,报道的事件必须被“驳回” 第九条政策. However, this just means that the report would then be referred and considered under an existing non-第九条 policy, such as 够了够了 政策、学生行为准则或教师反骚扰政策 和工作人员.

Formal Complaint Process

答:没有. 双方仍然可以选择他们自己选择的顾问与轻描淡写 在听证会上,每一方当事人都有权让自己的顾问进行质证 of any other party or witness.

答:没有. 如果你提出正式投诉,所举报的指控将决定是否 the 第九条 process has jurisdiction and must be utilized.

答:各方可以在整个报告过程中与他们选择的顾问(AoC)合作。 investigation, and adjudication process. Each party is required to have an AoC to conduct cross-examination on the party’s behalf during the live hearing. 而火博体育 无法控制一方选择谁作为其AoC, Skidmore将向各方提供AoC 没有一个. AoCs provided by the College will have received training and 在创伤知情实践中表现出的能力,有效和适当的提问, and institutional policies and processes.

答:新规定要求有关投诉人的问题和证据 性倾向和性行为被自动认为是无关的,而且 thus cannot be used during the investigation and adjudication process. 然而, 条例对这一规定规定了两种可能被认为有关的例外情况:

提供有关投诉人先前性行为的问题和证据 to prove that someone other than the respondent committed the conduct;

与投诉人以前的具体事件有关的问题和证据 sexual behavior with respect to the respondent and are offered to prove consent.

答:没有人会被强迫参与任何部分的报道、调查、 or adjudication process. Parties or witnesses who decline to participate in the live 听证会仍将允许他们有之前的陈述和提交的证据 由评审小组考虑,以确定责任.

答:根据新的第九条政策和非第九条的SGBM(够了)进行制裁 Enough) policy will function similarly. Both processes will include a range of possible 制裁结束后,各方将有机会对结果提出上诉.


是的, the regulations apply to 第九条 cases involving faculty and staff.

是的. 这些规定具有法律效力,这意味着联邦政府 government can and will take action against institutions that are non-compliant. 机构 must implement the required changes by August 14, 2020.

答:Skidmore和SSPD之间的关系不会因新规定而改变. 当第九条或非第九条的性别歧视案件与执法调查同时发生时, 两个实体的官员将进行沟通,以确保各自的程序 在他们的法律范围内工作,并尊重投诉人的决定 前进.

答:美国.S. Department of 教育 (ED) is requiring all institutions of higher education to implement a live hearing process with cross-examination. This provision is grounded 在行政部门对正当程序的重视以及对基本原则的解释中 公平.

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