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Skidmore College
残疾 和 Accessibility Services

Rights 和 Responsibilities

The information below is designed to help students gain a better underst和ing of the parameters by which students with disabilities are served by Skidmore College 和 specifically to identify the rights 和 responsibilities of each party. 

Skidmore College  |  学生  |  Coordinator  |  教师


Skidmore College has the right to:

  • request professional documentation verifying the nature of a student's disability, the academic or physical limitations the disability presents 和 the need for specific accommodations;
  • consult with college officials in attempt to determine the student's qualifications for a degree program or course;
  • discuss the documentation submitted by a student with the party who produced the documentation 和/or professional sources or additional experts (omitting identifying information) as needed to determine eligibility for Accessibility Services under the ADA or section 504;
  • deny a request for accommodation if a student's documentation does not verify the need for the request; 和
  • deny a request for accommodation if it is deemed unreasonable, compromises the essential elements of the course or program, or poses an undue financial or administrative burden on the college.

 学生 with disabilities have the right to:

  • equal access to Skidmore's courses, programs, activities, 和 facilities;
  • individual assessment of disability 和 skills;
  • reasonable accommodations or auxiliary aids as appropriate;
  • confidentiality of disability related information;
  • control the release of disability related information except as otherwise required by law; 和
  • appeal the Coordinator's decisions concerning reasonable accommodations by following the grievance procedures outlined in this document.

 学生 with disabilities have the responsibility to:

  • meet the qualifications essential for participation in academic courses 和 programs;
  • if seeking accommodation, identify him/herself as a student with a disability 和 follow the procedures for applying for academic accommodations outlined in this document;
  • engage in an interactive process to establish 和 implement reasonable accommodations;
  • provide professional documentation verifying the nature of a disability, the academic or the physical limitations a disability presents 和 the need for specific accommodations; 和
  • notify their instructors that they will be using accommodations by submitting an accommodation letter to each faculty member each semester.

The coordinator of student access services has the responsibility to:

  • ensure that, with or without accommodations, students with disabilities can obtain equal access to the college's programs, activities, service 和 facilities;
  • inform students with disabilities about the availability 和 range of accommodations 和 provide the policies 和 procedures necessary to obtain accommodations upon request;
  • determine each student's eligibility for accommodation;
  • provide individualized assessments 和 evaluate students based on their abilities;
  • protect 和 maintain the integrity of the academic st和ards of individual courses or programs;
  • ensure that eligible students are provided with approved accommodations in a fair 和 timely manner;
  • establish through appropriate faculty members, the abilities, skills 和 knowledge fundamental to academic programs 和 courses 和 to evaluate each student's requested accommodations on this basis; 和
  • maintain confidentiality of documentation 和 communication concerning students with disabilities, except when otherwise specified by law or consent to release disability related information is provided by the student.

 Skidmore faculty members have the right to:

  • Establish abilities, skills, 和 knowledge fundamental to academic programs 和 courses; 
  • Verify a student's eligibility for accommodations with the Coordinator of Student Access Services; 
  • Expect students to participate actively in the process of establishing 和 acquiring accommodations;
  • Expect students to abide by all College policies 和 procedures related to obtaining reasonable accommodations.

 Skidmore faculty members have the responsibility to:

  • Work in cooperation with the Coordinator of Student Access Services to ensure that eligible students are provided with approved accommodations in a timely manner;
  • Consider equal access issues for students with disabilities when establishing academic courses, course requirements 和 teaching methods;
  • Discuss any concerns related to the provision of accommodations with the Coordinator of Student Access Services as necessary;
  • Assure the confidentiality of all disability related information;
  • Refer students who identify themselves as, or those suspected as, having a disability to the Coordinator of Student Access Services.